Richard "Skip" Grube


You can get my resume here in PDF format, or in Plain old .Doc Format



Well, I've always been interested in computers, programming, and mathematics. One day, near the end of my middle school education, I poked around the basement of my dwelling and found a computer software box with a logo I'd never seen before entitled Red Hat Linux 5.2. I gave it a shot and have not looked back since. I particularly enjoy working with open source software and the Linux operating system.

Some other things I enjoy are music, (listening, as well as playing my bass and acoustic guitars) as well as sports. (soccer and ultimate frisbee) I had a great experience getting my bachelor's degree in computer science at NC State University, and I hope to continue my journey of knowledge through work in the field. I've worked at a few places around the Raleigh/Research Triangle area, and am pleased to be working in an area with such a great wealth of tech talent.

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